And it`s ready, Simone Says is in the GPscen final! Here are all the finalists. Thanks for voting, ♥ we came number two out of more than 200 songs, great!! :) The 11th of august, exactly at 14.28, we will be on stage at Järntorget (the concert starts at 13.00), and we hope to see you all there!
I am still a in Spain , I will celebrate midsummer here tomorrow totally on my own, sitting at a balcony, writing. But I will be back at saturday. We have had a great time in Fuengirloa, speaking a lot of spanish, and I learned a lot from the course. Me and Diana also got to play some of our songs a jam session at the local jazz club, Yello submarine, here. It was great fun, and I might post a video from this later.
Hasta luego amigos!
torsdag 21 juni 2012
torsdag 7 juni 2012
The interview
ENGLISH: The 6th of june I was interviewed at the norwegian radio channel NRK Sogn og Fjordane, and here is a link to this interview. They also put us on their websites, very nice!
It was a pleasant conversation and they asked about my background, I spoke about my village Selje, about the band and how it is being a musician in Gothenburg, and about the competition GP scen, where we for the moment are leading. And then they played I´m running at the end of the show, and that was great to hear my song on the radio for the first time.
NYNORSK (NEW NORWEGIAN): Den 6 juni vart eg intervjua på NRK Sogn og Fjordane, i programmet LUTT. Her er lenke til intervjuet og den fine webbsaka dei har gjort av det.
Det var ein koselig samtale med riktig hyggelege programleiarar. Eg pröver å la väre å språke, men det blir litt svorsk innimellom. :)
Eg glömte å sei at eg hadde gått på musikklinja på Firda vidaregåande skule, det er ein viktig del av min musikkbakgrunn. Kunne også ha sagt at vi hadde fått stötte fra ikkje berre Norge og Sverige, men også Latinamerika, då vi har mange engasjerte og gode venner derifrå.
Men bortsett frå det, så var det var veldig kjekt å få denne muligheten, og SÅ kjekt å höyre låta mi "I´m running" i radio, dei avbraut med vegmeldinga, me like :) Og eg må jo takke min gode og fine venninne/musikalske partner i ulike sammanhengar, Stine Storevik frå Stryn, for generell stötte, og for å ha tipsa LUTT om oss. :)
It was a pleasant conversation and they asked about my background, I spoke about my village Selje, about the band and how it is being a musician in Gothenburg, and about the competition GP scen, where we for the moment are leading. And then they played I´m running at the end of the show, and that was great to hear my song on the radio for the first time.
NYNORSK (NEW NORWEGIAN): Den 6 juni vart eg intervjua på NRK Sogn og Fjordane, i programmet LUTT. Her er lenke til intervjuet og den fine webbsaka dei har gjort av det.
Det var ein koselig samtale med riktig hyggelege programleiarar. Eg pröver å la väre å språke, men det blir litt svorsk innimellom. :)
Eg glömte å sei at eg hadde gått på musikklinja på Firda vidaregåande skule, det er ein viktig del av min musikkbakgrunn. Kunne også ha sagt at vi hadde fått stötte fra ikkje berre Norge og Sverige, men også Latinamerika, då vi har mange engasjerte og gode venner derifrå.
Men bortsett frå det, så var det var veldig kjekt å få denne muligheten, og SÅ kjekt å höyre låta mi "I´m running" i radio, dei avbraut med vegmeldinga, me like :) Og eg må jo takke min gode og fine venninne/musikalske partner i ulike sammanhengar, Stine Storevik frå Stryn, for generell stötte, og for å ha tipsa LUTT om oss. :)
Camilla Bakke,
NRK Sogn og Fjordane,
Simone Says
fredag 1 juni 2012
Rehearsal and radio interview
We have been rehearsing again. Since Staffan joined the band we have really learned a lot.
The most important thing is perhaps that we focus on one song at a time. And we practice for instance only the verse, only the groove, or one stop, again and again. Today we´re all a bit tired, it´s the end of the semestre, and we have a lot of work and are a bit stressed. But still there were a good progress.
And the best part of this way of working is that, surprisingly, we don´t get fed up with the song. It is like discovering it again.
Now of course we are focusing on I´m running, which we hopefully and probably will be able to play at the GP scene final at the 11 of august. You who live in Gothenburg, please come, we need you there!!
Here is a photo of the band from a photo session with Raysan Ismail:
This is at Lindholmen, and we have a nice view of the harbour in the back. What do you think?
Now we are looking forward to a quite calm summer. But first me and Didi are going together to Spain, not to play music, but to join a two week course for spanish teachers in Fuengirola. That will be great, Diana will bring her viola just in case. Didi is playing a lot these days, she is also playing with Alpaca Sports, who is doing it really good, and she has several gigs with them this summer.
Another thing that´s happening is that I will make my very first radio interview! It is the radio from back home in Norway where I come from, who will have a chat with me about the band, and they will put I´m running on their playlists. I am really proud and happy because of that, and a bit nervous as well. Wednesday 6th of june at 15.15 I will go on air directly to NRK P1 Sogn og Fjordane. You can listen to it directly on web here (scroll down to where it says "Sogn og Fjordane"....But it will be in nynorsk (new norwegian, which really means old norwegian), so some might have some trouble understanding it ;)
Good bye for now. Thank you, everybody who has been voting for us! We are leading now and your support feels great. But everything can happen, there are more than two weeks left, so keep voting! :) And then we will do our very best preparing for the final. Have to buy a stage piano, that is one thing.... A lot of thing going on. It feels like the boll has started rolling, and I am so grateful for all opportunities, for the support and for my great band. I take that as a sign that I am on the right track, and an encouragement to keep on.
I wish you a great summer, on your own track;
The most important thing is perhaps that we focus on one song at a time. And we practice for instance only the verse, only the groove, or one stop, again and again. Today we´re all a bit tired, it´s the end of the semestre, and we have a lot of work and are a bit stressed. But still there were a good progress.
And the best part of this way of working is that, surprisingly, we don´t get fed up with the song. It is like discovering it again.
Now of course we are focusing on I´m running, which we hopefully and probably will be able to play at the GP scene final at the 11 of august. You who live in Gothenburg, please come, we need you there!!
Here is a photo of the band from a photo session with Raysan Ismail:
This is at Lindholmen, and we have a nice view of the harbour in the back. What do you think?
Now we are looking forward to a quite calm summer. But first me and Didi are going together to Spain, not to play music, but to join a two week course for spanish teachers in Fuengirola. That will be great, Diana will bring her viola just in case. Didi is playing a lot these days, she is also playing with Alpaca Sports, who is doing it really good, and she has several gigs with them this summer.
Another thing that´s happening is that I will make my very first radio interview! It is the radio from back home in Norway where I come from, who will have a chat with me about the band, and they will put I´m running on their playlists. I am really proud and happy because of that, and a bit nervous as well. Wednesday 6th of june at 15.15 I will go on air directly to NRK P1 Sogn og Fjordane. You can listen to it directly on web here (scroll down to where it says "Sogn og Fjordane"....But it will be in nynorsk (new norwegian, which really means old norwegian), so some might have some trouble understanding it ;)
Good bye for now. Thank you, everybody who has been voting for us! We are leading now and your support feels great. But everything can happen, there are more than two weeks left, so keep voting! :) And then we will do our very best preparing for the final. Have to buy a stage piano, that is one thing.... A lot of thing going on. It feels like the boll has started rolling, and I am so grateful for all opportunities, for the support and for my great band. I take that as a sign that I am on the right track, and an encouragement to keep on.
I wish you a great summer, on your own track;
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